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Awaken Your Heart

6 Month Mentorship to Awaken Your Heart

Living, Breathing, Being Love, Dreaming Awake, Illuminating Soul into Matter

If you are like most people on a spiritual path, you may have gone to all of the retreats, programs, weekend workshops, and taken all of the online courses in order to heal and awaken. You may have a healer, coach or practitioner that you visit between programs and workshops, but your true capacity to live from your heart is not fully actualized in your day to day life.

Awaken Your Heart is a 6 month, playful, and direct to the point, immersive mentorship to help you live, breathe and be as love inside of this human experience.  Living from the heart means being open to what is, living in harmony within yourself, and expressing your true self at all times.  It supports humanity's evolution from mind-centric to heart centric living.  It is an answer to the call for those who want to awaken their heart, and live, in love, with life.    


As a society we have many beliefs that run counter to us living from our hearts.  The Awaken Your Heart 6 month mentorship will help you see what it is that you are unconsciously choosing, illuminating your own inner workings, so that you come into conscious choice over whatever it is you express, feel and experience.  

Awakening Your Heart is an inner game.  No one can change how you perceive, what you are open to, or what you believe, except for you.  This mentorship is not a dogma, nor will it attempt to change your beliefs, rather it will help you see how you operate, what you tolerate, the obstacles you create, where you a shut down and the limitations you impose, so that you can choose for yourself.  

In this mentorship you will:

  • Uncover your defenses and protective mechanisms that keep your heart hidden

  • Dive into emotions as inner guidance, learning to soften, slow down and feel way your way through

  • Realize how you stick yourself into stuckness, and courageously move into your power

  • Discover your limiting beliefs that interfere with the permission you need to fully be yourself 

  • Come to be without agenda and move beyond a separate sense of self

  • Prioritize your inner state of being more than whatever is happening in the outer appearance of life

  • Learn to trust and follow your excitement and be in the state of love

  • Become present and enter into the aliveness and fullness of everything through your heart

  • Access your unbound Self where energy and information is available to you

  • Illuminate your soul into matter

  • Actualize yourself in this life and discern the most exciting ways to be of service

  • Be a integral part of a collective field of people all focused on the same desire to awaken their hearts

  • Love yourself through tough learnings & reflections

  • Take 100% responsibility for your state of being

The 5 components of the mentorship: 

  1. Group zoom calls twice a month.  Each month will have a different theme.  The Awaken Your Heart 6 month group mentorship takes place once per year. It runs January-June of each year.  See themes, and dates & times below.

  2. 3 private, 60 minute, 1:1 integration calls over the course of the 6 months

  3. Telegram group chat among participants of the group to reflect, share and ask questions.

  4. Access to Teachable educational platform for homework assignment, exercises, and materials to support your experience.

  5. Recommended, but optional, practice partner to share practices, homework and hold each other accountable.  

Monthly Themes to Awaken Your Heart

The Willing Heart

Month 1: Identify your mechanisms of defense and protection, which you've learned to keep yourself physically and psychologically safe. Establish connection with yourself and know ease as the natural state of the heart.

The Undefended Heart

Month 4: Move beyond a separate sense of self and be without agenda.  Experience synchronicity as the natural state of how life works.  Know love as an alchemizing force that never comes and goes and contains all the protection ever needed.

Live your calling and be of service with Dr. Amanda Love at Soul Illuminations

The Feeling Heart

Month 2: Discover the purpose of emotions as inner guidance and fuel for transformation. Authentically feel what needs to be felt rather than loop on the surface of emotions.  End your resistances and insistences & embrace what's here.

The Cosmic Heart

Month 5: Become present, and in the fullness and dynamic aliveness of all that is.  Sense  beyond the ordinary senses and access energy and information from your more expanded self.  Learn the language of your heart and connect to the stars. 


The Courageous Heart

Month 3: Work with your greatest fears as they arise. Allow, move towards, reframe and learn to dance with your doubts.  Reframe thoughts, try on new perspectives and take bold actions that are aligned with your true self.


The Whole Heart

Month 6: Return to love over & over again. Let your heart be your compass for all actions and endeavors, inner & outer.  Live, Be & Breathe love in your everyday.  Rest in your soul as you are in form.  Dream awake and recognize completion as what is.

Who this mentorship is for...

You might be wondering if this type of mentorship is for you.  Not all who find this page will be ready or find relevance for this type program in their life and that is 100% ok.  There is a high level of devotion, accountability and presence that is required in order for you to Awaken Your Heart.  It is therefore vital that it is a fit all around.  This mentorship may attract those who have experienced peak states through psychedelic or other energetic work, but who have not integrated those states into their everyday living. Healers, coaches, therapists or other practitioners who want to share their gifts with less effort and create greater impact through their presence rather than force, would also benefit.  Anyone on a spiritual path who is hungry for greater connection to themselves, and beyond what they know as themselves, may also find relevance.  Above all you must have an intensely high desire to know yourself, be intentional in your existence, devoted to the full expression of the gift of your heart in every thought, word, act and deed.

It is important to clearly state what this mentorship is and what it is not.  This is not a healing, fixing or curing program.  What this means is that it does not aim to fix any perceived problems or conditions in your body or life.  It is however aimed at helping you shift from perceiving obstacles that appear to stand in the way of you being you and living from the heart.  This mentorship will at times feel fierce and confrontational as you come up against some of your most tightly held perspectives that want to keep you victimized to the conditions of your mind or life, and keep you out of your heart.  


This is not a passive, conceptual or intellectual mentorship.  It is instead experiential and your active participation is required in all aspects of it. You will not be given some magical answers from an external source that will do it for you, but will instead learn how to self-reference, self-love, self-empower and self-know.   



What is the time commitment to this mentorship?

The program is 6 months in duration.  The live zoom calls will occur on Saturdays at 11a MT.  Calls will be 2-3 hours in duration.  The dates for the calls are as follows.

January 2025 - June 2025 mentorship dates:

January 11th &25th

February 8th & 22nd

March 8th & 22nd

April 5th & 19th

May 3rd & 17th

June 7th & 21st

Your presence during the zoom meetings is pivotal for participation in the mentorship.  In the case that you need to miss 1-2 meetings during the course of the program they will be recorded and placed on the teaching platform for your review.  If you feel you will need to miss more than 2 meetings then this program is not a good fit.    

What is the cost investment for the mentorship?

The cost of the 6 month mentorship is $3600 if paid as a one time payment due upon acceptance to the program.  There is also a monthly payment option of $625/month for 6 months.  For the monthly payment plan option, payments are set up as an automatic debit on the 1st day of each month.  If you feel a strong call to the mentorship, but need a different financial structure please reach out and propose your thoughts.  Currently there are no scholarships or work exchanges available for this program.    

Is there a cancellation & refund policy?

The goal of this mentorship is to have a proper fit from the start.  Application processes are in place in order to align for appropriateness and readiness.  We also understand that life is unpredictable and unplanned events occur.  If during the course of the mentorship an extreme unplanned life event occurs or it is deemed that the mentorship is not a proper fit for you by Amanda Love, an assessment of the situation will be done between involved parties.  No refunds will be made for portions of the course already completed.  If withdraw/termination from the mentorship is required, then appropriate adjustments will be made for used/unused portions of it, plus an additional 20% early termination fee will be charged based on the overall cost of the mentorship (in this case $720).  As a disclaimer, if you do not intend to complete the mentorship or feel you may not have funds to participate in it, please do not apply at this time.  

What is the group size?

40 participants is the maximum group size.

What's included in the mentorship fee?

The 6 month mentorship fee includes:

  • 12 Zoom calls based on the 6 monthly themes

  • 3 private, 60 minute, 1:1 integration calls 

  • Communication group on Telegram for reflections, sharing, & asking questions

  • Access to Teachable platform for session recordings, homework assignments, exercises & additional materials

  • Recommended, but optional, practice partner to share practices, homework and hold each other accountable.


Help Others Awaken Their Heart

6 Month Mentorship to Help Others Awaken Their Heart

Supporting Healers in Advancing into Effortless Service

Now that you have taken the journey into awakening your own heart you may have a desire to support others in the opening of their heart.  As healers, coaches, therapists and supporters of others we often find ourselves in the position of wanting to help others yet can feel the weight, effort, pressure and responsibility that is not ours. Sometimes we feel like we aren't helping to the degree that we want to be.  We desire greater clarity, the ability to see how to better support and create impact, while simultaneously feeling energized, light and free.  We hunger to be in effortless knowing, clear seeing and whole service to others, all the while being fully ourselves, so that we feel invigorated and enriched in our giving rather than depleted and trying to make things happen.

Help Others Awaken Their Heart is a 6 month mentorship follows after the Awaken Your Heart program and it is directed to those that are in healing roles and directly supporting others.  If you are a healer, body worker, therapist, coach or in any other healing profession this program is aimed in helping you come more into your work with ease, grace and the freedom to be you.  Being in a healing profession myself, I always had a hunger to give to others.  I simultaneously struggled with it feeling like hard work and like I was navigating in the dark.  I wasn't really clear on what was happening even though powerful things were occurring, and I was expending a lot of my personal energy.  I felt I had to give all of myself, all of the time, and more than anything I hungered to find a way to be at full ease and in full service, while still having crazy, amazing impact on other people's lives.  Over the past two decades I have mastered being myself while being in service to others in wildly powerful ways.  In this program I will share, guide and support your through being able to do the same so that you finish this mentorship feeling completely confident in how you serve, what you give, having clarity and the bandwidth to be with anything and everything that arises.

In this mentorship you will:

  • Navigate the terrain of healing vs. fixing or curing 

  • Become a transmission and mirror of wholeness for those that you serve

  • Drop into presence with ease and recognize it as the source of healing magic

  • Go past your technique as the solution and come into the gift of yourself

  • Harness the power of your intention to move mountains without controlling the outcome

  • See through the surface presentation and dive into the deeper information of whatever your clients desire support with and which they may not be able to see for themselves

  • Recognize the opportunity for soul learning in all expressions which your clients present with

  • Surrender beyond your doer so that you can experience effortlessly being of service by being yourself

  • Receive and attune to others through dissolving separation

  • Have fun helping others heal and rest into the wellness that already is here

The 5 components of the mentorship: 

  1. Group zoom calls twice a month.  Each month will have a different theme.  The 6 month Help Others Awaken Their Heart group mentorship takes place once per year. It runs July-December of each year.  See themes, and dates & times below.

  2. 6 private, 60 minute, 1:1 integration calls over the course of the 6 months

  3. Telegram group chat among participants of the group to reflect, share and ask questions.

  4. Access to Teachable educational platform for homework assignment, exercises, and materials to support your experience.

  5. Recommended, but optional, practice partner to share practices, homework and hold each other accountable.  

Enrollment for this mentorship is capped at 24 people to give more focused and personal attention.  

Monthly Themes to Help Others Awaken Their Heart


Getting Real

Month 7: Investigate what healing really is.  What heals?  What gets healed? Unwind definitions of fixing and curing from healing. Understand principles of entrainment, frequency and nervous system regulation. 


Getting Deep

Month 10: Go from trying to figure out solution into soulutions.  Orient to soul as the source of all happening, teachings and answers.  See all expressions in a person's life as an opportunity for learning.  Move from the surface presentation to the deeper core revelation.


Getting Present

Month 8: Divorce yourself from your technique.  Harness the power of permission slips.  Recognize presence as the healing force.  Learn to support the alleviate of suffering through illumination rather than effort, doing or force.

Getting Receptive

Month 11: Attune to others through receiving them.  Dissolve barriers of separation so that you can you see and mirror one's true self to them.  Surrender beyond doing and be done through as a vessel of your highest self.  


Getting Clear

Month 9: Get clear on your intention for others and detach from your outcome of it.  Become judgment free and get good with nothing seemingly happening.  Learn the action of being with to create impact.  Recognize the controller in you and others.

Getting Light

Month 12: Have fun helping others heal.  Learn the penetrative power of levity, laughter and non-seriousness.  Be rested in all is well regardless of the appearance of things.  Be bold enough to welcome everything into wellness so that all may know that it is well.

so that you can find peace with what is.

Who this mentorship is for...

This mentorship is a continuance of the Awaken Your Heart mentorship and is specifically for those individuals who identify as healing practitioners and are in roles of support to other individuals in their healing processes.  The Awaken Your Heart mentorship is a prerequisite to participating in the Help Other Awaken Their Heart mentorship. Your beingness is what provides the template or permission slip for others to heal and awaken their heart if they so choose. This is why it is important to first do the work with yourself and become the living transmission of an open heart during the first 6 months.  In the second 6 months the focus will be on supporting you in the practice of your service to others.


What is the time commitment to this mentorship?

The program is 6 months in duration.  The live zoom calls will occur on Saturdays at 11a MT.  Calls will be 2-3 hours in duration.  The dates for the calls are as follows.

July 2025 - December 2025 mentorship dates:

July 12th &26th

August 9th & 23rd

September 6th & 20th

October 11th & 25th

November 8th & 22nd

December 6th & 20th

Your presence during the zoom meetings is pivotal for participation in the mentorship.  In the case that you need to miss 1-2 meetings during the course of the program they will be recorded and placed on the teaching platform for your review.  If you feel you will need to miss more than 2 meetings then this program is not a good fit.    

What is the cost investment for the mentorship?

The cost of the 6 month mentorship is $4200 if paid as a one time payment due upon acceptance to the program. There is also a monthly payment option of $750/month for 6 months.  For the monthly payment plan option, payments are set up as an automatic debit on the 1st day of each month.  If you feel a strong call to the mentorship, but need a different financial structure please reach out and propose your thoughts.  Currently there are no scholarships or work exchanges available for this program.    

If you know that you have a desire to do both the Awaken Your Heart & Help Others Awaken Their Heart mentorships from the start you can receive a 10% discount off of the total price of both programs together.  This is a $780 discount. In order to receive the discount you must pay in full $7020 by the first date of the Awaken Your Heart mentorship.

Is there a cancellation & refund policy?

The goal of this mentorship is to have a proper fit from the start.  Application processes are in place in order to align for appropriateness and readiness.  We also understand that life is unpredictable and unplanned events occur.  If during the course of the mentorship an extreme unplanned life event occurs or it is deemed that the mentorship is not a proper fit for you by Amanda Love, an assessment of the situation will be done between involved parties.  No refunds will be made for portions of the course already completed.  If withdraw/termination from the mentorship is required, then appropriate adjustments will be made for used/unused portions of it, plus an additional 20% early termination fee will be charged based on the overall cost of the mentorship (in this case $840).  As a disclaimer, if you do not intend to complete the mentorship or feel you may not have funds to participate in it, please do not apply at this time.  

What is the group size?

24 participants is the maximum group size.

What's included in the mentorship fee?

The 6 month mentorship fee includes:

  • 12 Zoom calls based on the 6 monthly themes

  • 6 private, 60 minute, 1:1 integration calls 

  • Communication group on Telegram for reflections, sharing, & asking questions

  • Access to Teachable platform for session recordings, homework assignments, exercises & additional materials

  • Recommended, but optional, practice partner to share practices, homework and hold each other accountable.

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